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    Hiring, Firing, and Discrimination Issues in the Church

    Churches can be sued just like any other legal entity. Just because they are non-profit entities does not mean that they can ignore all state and federal employment laws. Employees and those not hired for jobs may be entitled to financial compensation if they were victims of illegal practice. Churches are subject to anti-discrimination laws […]

    What Are the Different Types of Wills?

    Any attorney or financial advisor will tell you when you need a will. Various types of wills could meet your needs. You should consult with an experienced attorney to learn what may work best for you in your situation. You need to know some different wills when formulating an estate plan. Always work with an […]

    Can a Lawyer Help Me Start a Church?

    Starting a church involves a detailed process that can be heavily legal. The steps you take at the beginning of the process can determine whether your church may run smoothly. It is best to contact a lawyer at the beginning of the process. They can help set up your church for success. Here is how […]

    Five Reasons a Church Needs a Lawyer

    Churches cannot operate without regard for the legal environment. Otherwise, they could risk their finances and continued ability to serve congregants. Every church needs a lawyer to help them be proactive and help them avoid potential legal pitfalls. Investing in legal help now can mean that a church avoids problems in the future. Here are […]