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    Do Trucks Need Stricter Safety Laws and Regulations?

    Both federal and state laws govern the trucking industry. These regulations provide standards that trucking companies, truck owners, and truck drivers must meet. Federally, the agencies that regulate the truck driving industry include the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). On a state level, each state has a […]

    What are the Dangers of Highway Driving?

    When the construction of connected roadways first began, the face of American travel and commerce changed. As more roads were built, the easier it became to transport goods across the country. However, such progress increased vehicle accidents, particularly those involving trucks. Highway accidents routinely account for a large percentage of all traffic accidents, injuries, and […]

    Why Does a Church Need an Attorney?

    Religious institutions of all faiths are generally structured as nonprofit entities and are subject to specific business and accounting standards and responsibilities. Even smaller churches are considered nonprofits because they operate for religious purposes. Any type of religious organization can benefit from legal counsel. While it may seem odd for a church to be involved […]

    What Should I Consider When Forming a Church Board?

    For a church to maintain its non-profit status, they must have an oversight board. This board is mainly in charge of ensuring that the ministry is financially stable and is fulfilling its core mission. Members need to be chosen carefully, dedicate themselves to the church’s mission, and educate others on important church topics. Church boards […]

    New Proposal Requires Trucks to Have Rear Underride Guards

    The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) recently issued a proposal to make rear-impact underride guards a required item on inspections for motor carriers and roadside inspectors. Underride guards are strong metal grates on the back and/or side of a commercial truck that hang down below the trailer to prevent cars from sliding underneath in […]